Job Hunting Time

A bit of good and bad from yesterday.

I received papers to sign for my first ever acting job. Four days of rehearsal and two performances on the fifth. I am hugely excited since acting is my passion, it’s what I want to do, and by securing my first paid job I’ve achieved more than 99% of the people who were ever serious about becoming professional actors. It’s a great feeling to finally achieve this level after two years of trying.

But you know what they say, no good deed goes unpunished. And in this instance, the good is slightly leveraged by the bad (although I am definitely on the plus side). In those two years I clinged to a job I absolutely hate but use to pay my bills. And just yesterday one of the managers showed me exactly how unimportant I am to her, to the workplace, and she unloaded a full tank of rubbish at me. So it’s definitely time to get out of my comfort zone, drop that useless vocation and look for something else.

Job hunting I will go. Anybody hiring?